lmao. rofl. LOL! etc...
Kommentarsfällt kan vara sjuuukt roliga ibland, bland annat en som finns i anslutning till ovansatående YouTute-klipp. Man kan läsa följande:
mattfuzzy (1 vecka sedan)
does this guy even have a job?
the upside is, we can always count on humans to kill themselves, and eachother, and undoubtedly over the next 50 years, if the ever constricting governments dont f*ck us all over, undoubtedly, nature will probably do it (one way or another)
oh, and when that happens, ill be enjoying a nice cold beverage, and some RooR bong hits.....
Någon vänlig själ har tack och lov lämnat ett svar till stackarn:
velenvskaelhas (1 dag sedan)
yh, hes an actor in the new 2012 and is simply promoting the film
Copy Equals Success
Inte alla stora kreatörer är rädda för kopiering, ett bra exempel på någon som förstår är Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971), som i ett filmklipp förklarar sin syn på saken; (Språk: Franska)
Här är även en översättning till engelska som jag hittade men jag vet inte hur bra den är eftersom jag själv inte pratar franska... (Den är gjorde av en användare på YouTube som kallar sig Ceska31)
J: A definition of elegance?
Coco: Pardon?
J: A definition for elegance?
Coco: Definition for elegance... Oh that's difficult, you ask difficult questions. It's a rather difficult question. What is elegance? Many things... It involves a lot of things. Well, I would say to you that, I can only say what I keep saying -that's for me is a fact, not everybody understands my point- I find that women are always too dressed (nt: they're trying too hard) and never elegant enough
J: Mademoiselle, the dresses you have created last year have been imitated, copied in the whole world, almost all the world manufacturers have reproduced your designs in thousands, the Chanel style has gone down the streets, are you satisfied with it?
Coco: Aaaah I'm delighted! Obviously this is what I've looked for, this was my goal. To create a style, because there was no longer a style -in my opinion- There's no style in France. There's a style in a nation when people in the street dress like you and I think I have achieved this. But I don't believe in copying, I believe in imitation. It's already something to have achieved imitation.
Coco: It's quite important. It's even what's the most important. Copying is a very difficult thing that no longer exists. You know, little dress makers were sued, things that were nonexistent being defended because what always seemed to me the most ridiculous...what I find the most ridiculous is to defend Fashion. You can't defend a trend, why defend a trend? A trend is not a trend if nobody ever sees it, you see what I mean?
Coco: So there are a lot of stories that are being told -anyway I'm not up to date with it- You didn't ask me this question but I'm telling you: One of the problems, not mine but of the Haute-Couture's. It's the insane fright of the copy. While on the other hand for me, copy equals success. There's no success without copy and without imitation, it doesn't exist. Voila!
(Min snedstil / fetstil)
...hon har ju så rätt. Som kreatör borde man vilja bli kopierad för det betyder att det man gjort är något som är bra... Det är äkta framgång! =)
Louis C.K
Everything is amazing, nobody is happy...
Så roligt & så sant.
Människan är bortskämd!
Så roligt & så sant.
Människan är bortskämd!